
Multi-Domain Computer Generated Forces 

VR-Forces is MAK’s complete simulation solution – a powerful and flexible Computer Generated Forces (CGF) platform to fill your synthetic environments with urban, battlefield, maritime, and airspace activity.

VR-Forces in Programs:

  • LS CORE:  Common Ground CGF
  • Ocean 2020:  Maritime CGF

VR-Forces Multi-Domain Computer Generated Forces

VR-Forces simulates the full range of domains that coexist as the whole earth - from the ocean floor to the elliptical orbits around our planet.   Simulate your entities, their relationships to one another, the terrains they live on, the localized weather systems and the environmental effectors to meet your simulation needs.

Build complex scenarios with ease.  

VR-Forces Computer Generated Forces provides an intuitive GUI that allows you to build scenarios by positioning forces, creating routes and waypoints, and assigning tasks or plans with a simple point and click. 

Add message about EW 

Add message about intelligent (targeted) tasking 

Add message about configurable GUI, pinning of frequent (targeted) commands. 

Artificially Intelligent CGF 

Whether you need a threat generator for training and mission rehearsal systems, a synthetic environment for experimentation, or an engine to stimulate C4I systems, VR-Forces will provide lifelike behaviors at scale for your training or testing subjects.>

Proudly Built by Simulation Experts>

With a unique modular design like no other, the sim engine is a separate module from the interface! This unique modular approach gives our customers superior flexibility to scale, customize, and build high performance, high efficiency entity or aggregate level systems. 

While a multitude of sims may be running in the background, the intuitive GUI allows you to build and tweak scenarios and assign intelligent behaviors to entities and groups in real-time!

Behavior Engine


Terrain Agility

VR-Forces — Multi-Domain Computer Generated Forces 

VR-Forces simulates the full range of domains that coexist as the whole earth - from the ocean floor to the elliptical orbits around our planet.  Simulate your entities, their relationships to one another, the terrains they live on, the localized weather systems and the environmental effectors to meet your simulation needs.

VR-Forces provides an open architecture so that you can successfully optimize your simulation towards your program’s training or testing objectives.

VR-Forces is MAK’s complete simulation solution – a powerful and flexible Computer Generated Forces (CGF) platform to fill your synthetic environments with urban, battlefield, maritime, and airspace activity. Whether you need a threat generator for training and mission rehearsal systems, a synthetic environment for experimentation, or an engine to stimulate C4I systems, VR-Forces is powerful enough to get your job done.

Powerful Simulation Engine

VR-Forces comes with simulation models for hundreds of battlefield units and systems. During scenario execution, VR-Forces vehicles and humans interact with the terrain, follow roads, move in convoys, avoid obstacles, communicate over simulated radios, detect and engage enemy forces, and calculate damage. Whether you’re modeling at the entity or aggregate level, VR-Forces can stimulate your unit’s behavior based on scenario events such as sensor detection, the crossing of tactical phase lines, or areas of interest.

Scenario Editing Made Simple

VR-Forces Computer Generated Forces provides an intuitive GUI that allows you to build scenarios by positioning forces, creating routes and waypoints, and assigning tasks or plans with a simple point and click. You can lay down the basic outline on a 2D tactical map, and then switch to the 3D scenario editing mode to accurately position entities within a complex urban envi­ronment. Turn on XR mode to gain a big picture understanding of your scenario, without losing your 3D perspective. Bring up a 3D inset view for any entity to see the world from its perspective.

Proudly Built by Simulation Experts

With a unique modular design like no other, the sim engine is a separate module from the interface! This unique modular approach gives our customers superior flexibility to scale, customize, and build high performance, high efficiency entity or aggregate level systems. While a multitude of sims may be running in the background, the intuitive GUI allows you to build and tweak scenarios and assign intelligent behaviors to entities and groups in real-time!

MAK’s flexible approach supports compatibility with your current, existing applications, or your desired future systems, hence preventing vendor-lock.

Section 1

VR-Forces Capabilities

VR-Forces is a feature-rich simulation tool. Click through the red tabs below to learn what VR-Forces can do for you or download the Capabilities Document now.

VR-Forces Capability Overview - Capable, Usable, Scalable, Flexible, Extensible, Interoperable

--missing something??--

Examples and Documentation

VR-Forces comes with a complete documentation set.

  • First Experience Guide – instructions for seeing results in the first five minutes of use.
  • Users Guide – A comprehensive manual that covers all aspects of creating scenarios, using the GUI, loading and editing terrains, and configuring both visual models and simulation models.
  • Developer’s Guide – high level concepts for API users. It is augmented by more than 40 example projects containing source code and modified support files (simulation object models, object parameter database, terrains, and so on.)
  • How to use the SDK (APIs) – API documentation, class documentation, header files.
  • VR-Forces Release Notes – How to upgrade from older versions of VR-Forces.

Section 2

Sed non urna. Donec et ante. Phasellus eu ligula. Vestibulum sit amet purus. Vivamus hendrerit, dolor at aliquet laoreet, mauris turpis porttitor velit, faucibus interdum tellus libero ac justo. Vivamus non quam. In suscipit faucibus urna.

Section 3

Nam enim risus, molestie et, porta ac, aliquam ac, risus. Quisque lobortis. Phasellus pellentesque purus in massa. Aenean in pede. Phasellus ac libero ac tellus pellentesque semper. Sed ac felis. Sed commodo, magna quis lacinia ornare, quam ante aliquam nisi, eu iaculis leo purus venenatis dui.

  • List item one
  • List item two
  • List item three

Section 4

Cras dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean lacinia mauris vel est.

Suspendisse eu nisl. Nullam ut libero. Integer dignissim consequat lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Lorem Ipsum ...

Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet ...


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed molestie scelerisque ultrices. Nullam venenatis, felis ut accumsan vestibulum, diam leo congue nisl, eget luctus sapien libero eget urna. Duis ac pellentesque nisi.


ST Engineering

ST Engineering