Wargaming and Mission Planning for Live Exercises

MAK COMMANDER is a low-overhead, portable simulation system that provides a synthetic environment context for wargaming and mission rehearsal. Deploy MAK COMMANDER wherever and whenever training is required to supplement live training exercises. Use MAK COMMANDER in the classroom to teach the military decision-making process (MDMP). Integrate MAK COMMANDER with your Command and Control system for the most realistic and relevant training possible.  

MAK COMMANDER can be used to support multi-domain training at all levels, from Squad through Brigade. Whether you’re training for regular or irregular warfare, border and force protection, or civil emergency response, MAK COMMANDER can provide realistic scenarios to challenge the trainees so they can hone their decision-making and communication skills.



MAK COMMANDER's synthetic environment supports multi-domain, multi-echelon, and multi-resolution simulation – including both Entity-Level and Aggregate-Level modeling within a common tool suite.

Develop courses of action, Create ORBATs, Customize Parameters, Add Content, Execute Scenarios, and Evaluate results.

Mission Rehearsal and Exercise Planning for Live Training Exercises

Tools to support Virtual Battalion and Brigade Level Exercises that augment Live Training Events.

Pre-plan using simulation and maintain situational awareness during the exercises.

Plan, Prepare, Execute, Assess

Plan: Customize & Add Content

Create ORBATs
• Multi sided
• Import from C2/Planning Systems
• Experiment with different force structures

Customize Parameters
• Change performance / capabilities of units, sensors and weapons

Add Content
• Easily edit and add new units, weapons, munitions and sensors

Combine into
• Units & Formations
• Pre Configured Groups

Plan: Develop Coordinated Complex Behaviors

The Behavior Engine is designed for organized construction of complicated and coordinated behaviors of units with different roles, parallel job execution, sync conditions, sequences and conditional tests.

Used for...
• Units with different roles
• Parallel job execution
• Sync Conditions
• Sequences
• Conditional tests

Prepare: Create Scenarios

The Graphical User Interface makes scenario creation fast and easy

World Wide Terrain
• Create scenarios anywhere in the world

Dynamic Environment
• Date and Time of day
• Weather
• Dynamic Terrain

Tactical Graphics
• Plan out the mission graphically
• Can be referenced by a plan

Quickly add entities to simulation
• Drag and Drop Units from ORBAT
• Pattern of Life
• Pre Configured Groups

Prepare: Syncronize Plans

The Sync Matrix makes phased unit (and Entity) coordination easy

Allows coordinated plans based on Phase/Time/Events or other conditions

Represents your scenario or battle plan as a series of phases over time.

Execute: Control the Exercise

Load & Run Scenarios
• Set the simulation time/date
• Define the weather
• Assign roles to players
• Start/stop the sims

Stimulate the Environment
• Add/control units
• Automate complex tasks
• Launch quick start events
• Inject PMESII

Execute: Inject PMESII

Use the Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) to inject Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, and Information (PMESII) context into the simulation.

Triggered by...
• Instructors
• Role players
• Scenario events

Events can be...
• Text
• Audio
• Pictures/Images
• Video

Execute: Coordinate Complex Behaviors 

Doctrine Engine for higher level units
• Behavior trees
• Entity & Aggregate level calculations
• Execute complex tasks

Execute: Simulate ISR Feeds

Control Sensors within the Simulation
• Add autonomous vehicles or attach to UAVs in the simulation
• Take control of the sensor's gimbal

• Electro-optical
• Infrared
• Night vision

Execute: Dynamically Alter the Environment

• Change the Weather
• Add objects and buildings
• add berms and ditches

Assess: After Action Review

Use the MAK Data Logger to:

•Simulation Activity, Events, Voice, and Videos

• Over the network
• On the GUI

• During Recording
• For Playback

• Trim, merge, concatenate, cut files

• ODBC integration

Key Features

  • Sync Matrix

    Synchronization Matrices enable wargamers and planners to develop complex courses of action with associated simulation behaviors tied to each phase of the plan. Phases can be triggered by time, events, behaviors. Phases can be split to support multiple behaviors of subordinates.

  • Behavior Trees

    Complex coordinated unit behaviors can be described as a branching set of decisions. Visualization tools facilitate creation and runtime monitoring of behavior logic. Behaviors can be validated, they are not 'black box AI'.

  • GUI based Entity Editor

    The Entity Editor is a high-level graphical tool that allows you to define new unit types, assign them simulation models, and edit values for the various parameters of their simulation models. This is the primary tool used to define the set of units and entities that will be available to the soldiers using MAK COMMANDER. In addition to entities and units, the Entity Editor also allows you to define and edit other simulation objects such as obstacles and cultural features and allows you to assign a graphical icon to each object type. For aggregate entity units, the Entity Editor allows an instructor or simulation support person to set parameters such as: Physical footprint, mobility model, base combat power, attached sensor systems, attached engagement systems, whether it is equipped with NBC protective equipment, and other attributes that have an effect on the warfare model.

  • Simulated ISR feed

    One of the soldiers participating in an exercise can be assigned to control one or more UAVs and task them with a mission or control them manually. Video from the simulated visual or EO/IR sensors on the UAV can be displayed on a separate screen. The sensor can be controlled by the soldier through a simple interface. The trainees can learn how to make use of this valuable asset within the exercise to enhance their situation awareness.

  • Analysis & After Action Review (AAR)

    You can record and replay all or part of an exercise and can annotate the recording and add notes during exercise execution. You can highlight key events during the replay as well as create and view tactical graphics on the fly. The AAR module generates relevant statistics (scores) and graphs as an aid for you to assess trainee performance.

  • Entity & Aggregate Levels

    MAK COMMANDER is the only unified simulation system that can operate at entity and aggregate level in the same software.  

  • Fully customizable user interface

    The screens presented to instructors, role players and the training audience can be tailored to meet particular end user specifications. 

  • MSEL injects

    You can use the Master Scenario Event List (MSEL) Editor to create a series of events that are displayed to a Player based on specified triggers. Events can be text, audio, pictures or video. A message or report can represent an incident or condition that exercise participants can respond to that is not part of the simulation, for example a political event, a natural disaster, or some other novel event that might require a trainee to respond. It can also represent events within the simulation such as spot reports. Events can be triggered manually, by time, or by an event in the simulation. You can also use the MSEL editor to create discoverable location based intelligence objects.

  • Integrated voice communication and chat

    As an alternative to using copies of your operational communications systems, MAK can provide an integrated voice communications simulation system. The simulation is a highly configurable software communications solution that can be customized for your training requirement, replicating the function and appearance of your real world radios - UHF, VHF, HF, SATCOM, as well as Intercoms, Hotlines, Call answer lines, Multi-party open net intercoms and Broadcast nets. Individual communication elements, radios and intercoms, can be placed and configured individually as well as part of a communications plan, and embedded behaviors can be created for unique features of particular stations and/or communications devices.

  • Distributed Simulation

    Operate in multi-player mode with other friendly players and against other interactive OPFOR players.

  • Common Operational Picture

    The tactical displays can be configured to control which forces each user sees to mimic each side's COP.

  • Use tactical graphics to trigger events

    Define waypoints, routes, phase lines, operational areas, and more, to trigger entity behaviors, MSEL injects, and other scenario events.

  • Add multi-media for visual cues

    MSEL can present the users with news reports or social media posts to provide economic, social, information context to missions.

  • Customization

    MAK COMMANDER is easily reconfigurable to support your organizational structures and doctrine. Load your maps and terrain, create your force structure, and run the simulation in your language.



  • Joint Operations

    The ability to conduct Land, Air, Maritime, Cyber and Space operations during both competition and conflict.

  • Multi-domain Operations

    MAK COMMANDER supports both individual and collective training tasks for the Brigade COMMANDER, Executive Officer, Intelligence, Maneuver/Operations, Fire Support, Air Defense, Mobility and Survivability, Logistics, Adjutant, and command and control (C2) functional areas. It enables users to have different workstations with different tasks and different interfaces.

  • Multiple-Complex Allegiances

    Simulate multiple different player sides representing different people/factions in a combat, crisis response or peace support/peacekeeping operation environment.

  • Operations Other than War

    Easily create scenarios for disaster response, emergency management, CBRNE, and border protection. It includes models facilitating the exercise of evacuation, logistics, and coordination with civil and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

  • Full spectrum military operational environment

    Connect with other simulations, simulators and C4I systems to provide the full spectrum military operational environment.

  • Virtual Wrap for Live Operations

    Connect to telemetry from live exercises to build a common operational picture, track performance, and command and control the mission.

  • Training at the Point of Need (PoN)

    Deploy MAK COMMANDER wherever and whenever training is required to supplement live training exercises. 
    Use MAK COMMANDER in the classroom, to teach and practice tactics, techniques and procedures. Integrate MAK COMMANDER with your Command and Control system for the most realistic and relevant training possible.

  • Achieve Routine Utilization

    Expand the simulation capability beyond the central simulation center to the operational and educational organizations so they can train whenever and wherever required.

  • Low Overhead

    MAK COMMANDER products can operate on standard Windows computers with really good graphics cards.

  • Low Total Cost of Ownership

    Built on the MAK ONE commercial off the shelf toolkits, MAK COMMANDER is maintained and continuously enhanced, minimizing your initial and long-term cost and ensuring your system will grow to meet your future requirements.

  • Unmatched Utility

    A portable system that can be deployed anywhere, and an intuitive tool that can be easily used by instructors and warfighters alike. It provides a balance between ease of use and utility simply unmatched by other products.

  • Realistic Environmental Conditions

    Weather, Terrain, and Vegetation can be set globally and have localized variations. Environmental factors affect visual scenes as well as entity dynamics and behaviors

  • Terrain Agility

    You can simply create a new terrain area by loading elevation data, imagery, and feature data. This data can be stored locally or on a centralized streaming terrain server. In some cases you may want to add new Props (individual features such as buildings) into the terrain. You can achieve this through the Instructor GUI and save out a new local terrain that combines the VR-TheWorld data with the new Props you have added.

  • Terrain Interoperability

    Use the same digital terrain as a Geographic Information System (GIS) or a C2 system.

  • Responsive Customer Service and Support

    MAK Technologies has a reputation for excellent customer and user support. Our product engineers monitor the support lines – not call centers.

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